Tuesday, June 23, 2020 | 6:00 p.m. EST
Tamara Zantell is a mother to 5 superstar changemakers. As a licensed mortuary scientist with a degree in business management, she worked for over 10 years as a management consultant and small business strategist in both the medical and restaurant fields in addition to 15 years as the Chief Operating Officer for the largest medical specialty practices in Western New York. She helped clients built strong community relationships, deliver excellent service while building well managed diverse environments via culture, goals, and structure.
As an official corporate dropout, Tamara has helped her teenage daughter, Zandra A. Cunningham, build an empire. Tamara has advanced knowledge in launching an international brand, brand visibility, generating revenue, partnership development, and preparing young moguls for success. As the founder of Raising A Mogul, LLC and the CEO of RAM Brand Management a strategic brand management & consulting firm, Tamara is committed to supporting parents with the confidence, knowledge, and tools they need to Raise Young Moguls.
Tamara is the Host of the RAM Family Business Summit! I am excited to be one of the speakers!
Have you registered for the free RAM Family Business Summit yet? 🤔
You don’t want to miss it! You’ll get 3 days of content that will help develop and execute the plan that will take your family to the next level 💯
During #RAMSummitONLINE you’ll learn:
🔥What steps to take to build an amazing visual brand
🔥What you must do to have a website that coverts and drives sales
🔥Increase your credibility as an authority in your industry
🔥Create content that positions you for opportunities
🔥How media works and what you need to have to get featured
🔥How to prepare your business for investment and where to find the money
🔥How to start and grow relationships with retails partners
🔥Ho wot build a brand that stands out!!!
There has never been a better time than the present to build your family legacy! 💯
#notchildsplay #weareraisingamogul #raisingamogul
Register today: www.ramsummitonline.com