Angie Martin was born in Washington, DC and now resides in the city of Richmond. She feels she has been blessed
with the task, amongst many, of providing a loving upbringing to four beautiful children. Another of the task is what led her to the path she’s on now, the calling God placed on her life.
She states “Many things were revealed to me on life’s journey but none as important as the struggles that lead me to God”. She began writing at the age of 4 years old, her first memory of a superior being existing was at the tender age of 2, once those conversations began between her and Him so did the transference of inspired words, a couple of years later she began to write them down.
She states “My goal is to share comfort from the pain and testaments I was blessed to endure. To help someone find peace that can only be found in God.
She has successfully completed a CD of blessed inspirational floetry entitled “Personal Revelations” of which is doing well and is currently working on completing her second cd. She was a DJ of her own radio show entitled “What’s the Word” for WRIR 97.3. She heads a drama and inspirational floetry ministry entitled “The Levite Production Company” that will teach our woman and men to empower themselves with the power of God. She was a member of one of Richmond’s largest and most successful poetry groups entitled “Lyric Ave”. Her play, which she insists God wrote entitled “My Daughters Eyes” accompanied by an awesome original soundtrack, debut May 8, 2011, which she also directed and produced. Miss Martin is currently working on an outstanding gospel play called 2 Sisters that will be presented Saturday, August 22, 2015 at the Richmond Christian Center. Purchase tickets online at
She proclaims that, everything pertaining to her life, all that is and all that was is for her beloved Father God.