Episode 724 | The Sharvette Mitchell Radio Show | Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. EST | www.Sharvette.com |

“In 2011, I became a private practice entrepreneur and in 2012 a group private practice owner. At the time, I knew I wanted to build something different than the typical percentage split, revolving door, spokes in a wheel kind of group practice. What I really dreamed of was a coop or a non-profit – but there were many barriers with each of those models. Instead, I sat with my employees, literally around the table, and together we developed something that we call a win-win-win for everyone involved (a win for our agency, a win for the employee, and a win for the clients we serve).

This has become known as our Collaborative Community Model and it can best be thought of as a W2 model with a strong dose of coop thrown in. I have come to understand that, while this is a natural style of leadership for me, it is a very different style of leadership than is typically found in our profession.

And if I am a part of helping group practice owners shift the way we lead and serve, through an employee-centric model, I believe we can make a huge shift in supporting the wellness of our providers.”
